
Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi

Postdoctoral Fellows

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Research Interests

My research expertise and interests span the two following core areas:

1) device and material design to enhance the performance of energy storage (e.g., batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cells) and conversion (e.g., solar cells) devices by improving the inter-grain particle and inter-layer interface properties of their electrode and/or active materials using advanced interface engineering strategies.

2) in-depth study of material properties, including electronic, physical, magnetic, and photonic properties, of semiconductor material using the device and material physics 

Selected Publications

1) Stable Zn Metal Anodes with Limited Zn- Doping in MgF2 Interphase for Fast and Uniformly Ionic Flux.
Ji Young Kim, Guicheng Liu, Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Ji Hun Park, Hansung Kim, Joong Kee Lee.
Nano-Micro Letters, 14, 46, (2022)

2) Photoactive g-C3N4/CuZIF-67 Bifunctional Electrocatalyst with Staggered p-n Heterojunction for Rechargeable Zn-Air Batteries.
Ren Ren, Guicheng Liu, Ji Young Kim, Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Minh Xuan Tran, Joong Kee Lee.
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 306, 121096, (2022)

3) Plasma Processed Fullerene Derivative-Induced Metal-Semiconductor Ohmic and Schottky Contact-Interfaces for Stable Li-Metal Electrodes.
Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Guicheng Liu, Joong Kee Lee.
ACS Energy Letters, 6, 1432-1442, (2021)

4) Chemically Tuned, Bi-Functional Polar Interlayer for TiO2 Photoanodes in Fibre-Shaped Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.
Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Minh Xuan Tran, Manxiang Wang, Guicheng Liu, Joong Kee Lee.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 2549-2562, (2020)

5) Plasma-Polymerized C60-Coated CNT Interlayer with Physical and Chemical Functions for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries.
Minh Xuan Tran, Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Guicheng Liu, Ji Young Kim, Joong Kee Lee.
Chemical Engineering Journal, 401, 126075, (2020)

6) Hierarchical Hollow Dual Core-Shell Carbon Nanowall-Encapsulated p–n SnO/SnO2 Heterostructured Anode for High-Performance Lithium-Ion-Based Energy Storage.
A–Young Kim#, Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi#, Guicheng Liu#, Ji Young Kim, Hyun–Jin Shin, Dongjin Byun, Joong Kee Lee.
Carbon, 153, 62-72, (2019). (# = co-first authors = contributed equally).

7) Synthesis and Characterization of a Hierarchically Structured Three-Dimensional Conducting Scaffold for Highly Stable Li Metal Anodes.
Ji Young Kim, Guicheng Liu, Minh Xuan Tran, Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Hansung Kim, Joong Kee Lee.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 7, 12882-12892, (2019)

8) Self-Relaxant Superelastic Matrix Derived from C60 Incorporated Sn Nanoparticles for Ultra-High-Performance Li-Ion Batteries.
Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Guicheng Liu, Minh Xuan Tran, Chairul Hudaya, Ji Young Kim, Hyunjin Yu, Joong Kee Lee.
ACS Nano, 12, 5588-5604, (2018)

9) Hierarchically Structured Photoanode with Enhanced Charge Collection and Light Harvesting Abilities for Fiber-Shaped Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells.
Guicheng Liu, Manxiang Wang, Hui Wang, Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Hyunjin Yu, Dechun Zou, Joong Kee Lee.
Nano Energy, 49, 95-102, (2018)

10) Pseudocapacitive Characteristics of Low-Carbon Silicon Oxycarbide for Lithium-Ion Capacitors.
Martin Halim, Guicheng Liu, Ryanda Enggar Anugrah Ardhi, Chairul Hudaya, Ongky Wijaya, Sang–Hyup Lee, A–Young Kim, Joong Kee Lee.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9, 20566-20576, (2017)


  • Ph.D., Energy Engineering, Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) School, Korea University of Science and Technology (UST), Seoul, Republic of Korea, August 2021.
  • B.Sc., Physics (Condensed Matter Physics Concentration), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Depok, Republic of Indonesia, August 2013. 

Professional Profile

1) May 2022-present: Postdoctoral Fellow, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.

2) August 2021-March 2022: Postdoctoral Fellow, KIST, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

3) February 2016-August 2021: Graduate Research Assistant (Master & Ph.D. Student), KIST, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

4) September 2020-present: Associate Editor, Journal of Earth Energy Engineering (JEEE; pISSN 2301-8097, eISSN 2540-9352).

5) March 2013-August 2015: Research Assistant, Kookminm University, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

6) August 2009-August 2013: Undergraduate Research Assistant (B.Sc. Student), Universitas Indonesia (UI), Depok, Republic of Indonesia.

7) September 2013-February 2014: Advanced Physics Laboratory Assistant, Department of Physics, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Depok, Republic of Indonesia.

8) January 2012-Juli 2013: Basic Physics Laboratory Assistant, Department of Physics, Universitas Indonesia (UI), Depok, Republic of Indonesia. 

Scientific and Professional Membership

  • 2019-present: a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS).
  • 2019-present: a member of the Indonesian Researcher Association in South Korea (Indonesian: Asosiasi Peneliti Indonesia di Korea (APIK)).


1) Winner of the “President Award”, the highest award for the “Best Graduate” among graduates from 32 national research institutes (including KIST) in South Korea (2021).
News link:

2) Finalist (the big 3) of ASEAN-Republic of Korea Award for Excellence in Science, Technology and Innovation Pioneer by The Government of Republic of Korea, in support of Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI) (2021),
Note: This award is intended for researchers from ASEAN countries in South Korea, including students, postdocs, and professors.

3) Recipient of Integrated Ms.–Ph.D. Scholarship worth $11,757 for 5.5 years from KIST School-UST (2016–2021).

4) Winner of “The 2019 3rd UST International Exchange Program” worth $4,500 (2019) for attending the 258th ACS Fall 2019 National Meeting and Exposition as an oral speaker (2019).

5) Winner of “The Best Poster Award of Korean Battery Society Fall Conference”, Jeju, South Korea (2016).

6) Recipient of Undergraduate Student Creativity Program grant worth $700 from the Ministry of Research and Technology
of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEK BRIN) for a project proposal entitled “Inverter DC to AC Circuit Reversible (IDACR)
Module as Self-Charging Electric Power Supply in Indonesia” (2012).

7) Recipient of Student aid B.Sc. Scholarship worth $600 (2010-2012) from RISTEK BRIN